Housing for students with disabilities is available in a variety of university locations both on campus and off campus in the North University Park area. These housing options accommodate different levels of access and students’ special needs are taken in to consideration when assignments are made. Students requiring these accommodations should apply early, since spaces are limited and in high demand.

The Office of Students Accessibility Services or OSAS (formerly know as Disability Services and Programs) provides programs and services to facilitate disabled students’ full participation at USC. The office works closely with USC Housing to place students with special needs. OSAS assesses the student’s requirements and makes housing recommendations to the Housing Services Office, which then tries to place the students in available housing satisfying those needs.

Students must both be registered with and be approved by OSAS, as well as complete a housing application, to be eligible for special housing consideration.

Registration with the OSAS does not guarantee a housing assignment and placement is subject to the availability of suitable housing spaces. Availability depends on the number of students applying who require special housing accommodations, as well as the number of residents returning to university housing for the school year.

You should contact both OSAS and USC Housing as early as possible if you have special needs for your housing (including requests for single accommodations).

The Office of Student Accessibility Services is located on the main campus in Grace Ford Salvatori Hall (GFS), 3601 Watt Way, Suite 120.

For more information, please visit the OSAS website or call them at (213) 740–0776.